MATH 830: Differential Equations
With the cancellation of MATH 430 for the Fall 2023 semester, the Math Department is extending undergraduate students an opportunity to take the MATH 830: Differential Equations courses with Professor Huijing Du this fall. This is a graduate level Math course in Differential Equations that shares topics with the MATH 430 course that is offered to undergraduate students every other year.
MATH 830: Differential Equations is the first part of the year-long qualifying sequence MATH 830-831. The sequence aims to cover certain fundamental materials in Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, and Numerical Analysis. In this first semester, the course shall focus on ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems. Topics include existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence of solutions of ordinary differential equations, stability theory, bifurcation theory, and periodic solutions.
MATH 830 is a proof-based Math course, so familiarity with rigorous proofs and abstract concepts are necessary (i.e., MATH 309, MATH 310, or MATH 325 or a similar course at another school or in another department). Prior exposure to multivariable calculus (MATH 208) and differentiation and integration techniques (MATH 221) will be useful. Although some mathematical sophistication is required to take the course, we shall provide any background materials needed by the class. The course will try to take a balance of a theoretical and an applied perspective.
More Information!
A sample of what Professor Huijing Du’s syllabus for the MATH 830 course will look like can be found here. Students who are curious about the course but concerned about the background knowledge required are encouraged to contact Professor Huijing Du (hdu5@unl.edu).
How to Enroll?
Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in an graduate level course must complete the Request for Graduate Credit form at https://ris-vm2.unl.edu/gradstudies/credit/, and the Office of Graduate Studies is strictly enforcing a senior standing requirement to take graduate level courses as an undergraduate student.