MATH 439/839: Mathematical Biology
Professor Bo Deng will be teaching MATH 439/839: Mathematical Biology during the Fall 2023 semester. This course is required for the Mathematical Biology option of the Math major!
Time: 1:30 pm-2:20 pm MWF, Fall 2023, AVH 111
Instructor: Bo Deng, Department of Mathematics
Text: Lecture notes, and references
Prerequisite: Math 221, Math 314 recommended, some experiences with one computing languages: MATLAB or Python
Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to a broad spectrum of mathematical models in biology. It includes:
- Construction of neural network models for pattern recognition
- Neuronal circuits and neural dynamics simulations
- Epidemiological modeling and forecasting
- Bioinformatical modeling and population genetics
- Predator-prey modeling and food web dynamics
- Your projects in Math Biology
Assessment: Every student is required to do two projects for the course. I will work with you to find the right ones, including topics not listed above. Mathematical and computational tools will be developed throughout the course. Different topics will run parallel each week so that every project will receive the full attention throughout the semester.
For more information, please contact Dr. Deng at bdeng@unl.edu, or stop by Avery Hall 318.