Math Undergraduate News

Advising Updates

UNL MathematicsThis week, I want to discuss reflecting on your spring semester and 2022-23 academic year experience. I also want to mention an experiential learning survey and explain summer time advising availability. Continue reading…


Apply for Fall 2023 Math Department Jobs!

Apply for Fall 2023 Math Department Jobs!The Department of Mathematics is looking to hire undergraduates that are interested in filling a variety of positions in our department: Learning Assistants, MRC Counselors, Teaching Assistants, Upper Division Learning Assistants, and Graders. Apply by Monday, March 22nd! Continue reading…


MATH 439/839: Mathematical Biology

MATH 439/839: Mathematical BiologyProfessor Bo Deng will be teaching MATH 439/839: Mathematical Biology during the Fall 2023 semester. The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to a broad spectrum of mathematical models in biology. This course is required for the Mathematical Biology option of the Math major! Continue reading…


MATH 830: Differential Equations

MATH 830: Differential Equations will help explain what is going on here.With the cancellation of MATH 430 for the Fall 2023 semester, the Math Department is extending undergraduate students an opportunity to take the MATH 830: Differential Equations courses with Professor Huijing Du this fall. Click here for more info about the course and getting enrolled! Continue reading…



BRING MATH WorkshopThe second annual BRING MATH Workshop will take place October 5-6, 2023 at Argonne National Laboratory. The workshop is aimed at undergraduates interested in the mathematical sciences, and is organized by IMSI and the Argonne National Laboratory. The deadline to apply is June 19, 2023! Continue reading…


GROW 2023 at Duke

GROW 2023 at DukeApplications are open for GROW (Graduate Research Opportunities for Women) 2023, to be held at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina from Friday, October 20th to Sunday, October 22nd. Applications are due by Friday, July 28th! Continue reading…


Modern Mathematics Workshop

Modern Mathematics WorkshopThe annual Modern Math Workshop will take place October 25-26, 2023, in conjunction with the SACNAS 2023 NDiSTEM Conference. The workshop is organized each year by institutes involved in the Mathematical Sciences Institutes Diversity Initiative. The deadline to apply for funding is July 28, 2023! Continue reading…


College of Arts and Sciences Career Coaching

Career CoachingTrina, Allison, Sai, and Meagan can help you explore career options, identify ways to build experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate school, including help with resumes, applications, and interviewing. Click here for a calendar of career events as well! Continue reading…

Originally published May 16, 2023 - Submit an Item