GROW 2023 at Duke
Applications are open for GROW (Graduate Research Opportunities for Women) 2023, to be held at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina from Friday, October 20th to Sunday, October 22nd.
GROW is an annual national conference aimed at increasing the rate of applications by women and non-binary students to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. There is an outstanding line-up of speakers and panels planned, demonstrating the tremendous diversity of lives and careers that can be built upon a Ph.D. in the mathematical sciences, along with informal opportunities for conversation and mentorship. The conference is FREE for accepted participants. Accepted participants will have their airfare covered, their accommodations provided, and their meals arranged.
All women (cis-gender, transgender, or woman-identified) and nonbinary undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (including international students) who are considering graduate school in the mathematical sciences are welcome to apply for GROW 2023.
Applications are due Friday, July 28th, and accepted applicants will be notified by August 18th.
Please contact them at grow@math.duke.edu with any questions.