Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - IRS Internal Pathways Recent Graduate (Statistician) and Pathways Recent Graduate Program Information Technology (IT) Specialist
Discover Financial Services - Data Analyst
Opening Specialists, Inc. - Estimator
US Navy Recruting Command - Millington, TN - Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) Programs and Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) Navy
City of Lincoln/Lancaster County - STEAM Academy Coordinator
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Data Analyst
Success Academy Charter Schools (NY) - Entry-level teaching (STEM, ELA, Humanities, and more) in NYC
PSEG - Public Service Enterprise Group - Associate Trading Risk Operations Analyst
Corsearch - Business & Technology Analyst-Internship
Girl Scouts of West Central Florida - Marketing and Merchandising Intern- Camp Wai Lani (Palm Harbor, Florida) and Marketing and Merchandise Intern- Camp Wildwood (Wildwood, Florida)
And many more opportunities available on Handshake!!
I would also encourage you to check out open positions on some of the job boards listed on the Math Research and Internship Opportunities page of the Math Club's website: https://www.math.unl.edu/math-club/resources/research. We are also trying to list open research positions within the department on this webpage as well.
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Resources
The Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has a great webpage of resources including a free 28 page pdf booklet detailing current professionals working in Applied Mathematics. This booklet and the webpage are available at https://www.siam.org/students-education/programs-initiatives/thinking-of-a-career-in-the-mathematical-sciences.