Hello Math Majors,
I hope that your final exam week has started well and that you were able to become well prepared for your finals during dead week. There is still time to meet with me before the semester ends, but I will be available all summer. Please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with me or to contact me anytime for help with anything including the reflection discussed below this summer.
After your final exams have wrapped up this week, I would highly recommend that you spend some time reflecting on your experiences and learning from the Spring 2023 semester and the 2022-23 academic year before you dive into your break and your next classes. Here are some questions that might help with your reflection:
1. What worked well about the days and times for your spring classes? What could you change about your fall classes that would make the days and times work better?
2. What worked well about your study habits during the spring semester? What could you change about your study habits that would improve your next classes? Do you know how to change your study habits?
3. What knowledge and skills did you learn in your spring classes that you will use next semester or in the future? Is there a particular thing or skill that you would like to learn more about or to practice further?
4. Did your experiences from the spring semester impact your plans for the summer and the next academic year? Have you made decisions about your plans and taken action to make those plans happen?
5. Is there anything that you accomplished this semester that you are particularly proud of? Should this accomplishment be added to a résumé or curriculum vitae?
6. Is there anything that you have not done yet that you really want to do this summer or next semester? If so, what would that be? Do you know what the next step to doing it would be?
7. What questions do you have that you do not know the answer to? Are there resources available to find the answers? If you do not know where to find the answer, do you know who you can contact or connect with to get the answer?
These are just questions to get you started. A lot can be learned through self-reflection, so be should write down anything that comes to mind that could be important. Additionally, remember that I am available and interested in your academic, professional, and personal success, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about anything.
Experiential Learning Survey
Have you had an internship/co-op, volunteer, research, or career-related experience this summer or fall? UNL wants to hear about it! Sharing your experience takes less than 3 minutes and the info you provide helps other students learn about opportunities, impacts UNL's accreditation and academic rankings, and influences the future value of the degree you're working hard for now. Share your experience here: https://go.unl.edu/experiencesurvey.
Summer 2023 Advising
I am taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 45-minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and 1:15 pm to 5:00 pm every weekday. From Tuesday, May 30th to Wednesday, July 19th, academic advisors at the University including me will be working through New Student Enrollment advising, which could limit my appointment availability this summer. Zoom drop-in advising will end with the end of the Spring 2023 semester on Friday, May 19th, so there will only be appointment advising over the summer.
You can schedule a meeting with me by using the Student Success Hub via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at dpellatz@unl.edu. You can find instructions for how to access and schedule meetings in the Student Success Hub system here.
Best wishes, Doug
Math Department Events
The Math Department has many upcoming events that might be of interest to you along with a weekly (or almost weekly) colloquium series. A listing of all upcoming Math Department events can be found at https://events.unl.edu/math/upcoming/.
CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Mathematics is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Mathematics major.