Math Undergraduate News

Advising Updates

Doug PellatzClick here for updates from your assigned advisor for Mathematics, Doug Pellatz. You can also visit with Dr. Radu on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00 am in 211 Avery Hall or by setting up an appointment with her via email at Continue reading…


Howard Rowlee Lecture on Friday!

The Howard Rowlee Lecture SeriesThis year's Howard Rowlee Lecture is this Friday, and the presenter will be Ruy Exel from the Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina. Professor Exel's talk promises to be interesting and accessible to undergraduate students, so please plan to join us! Continue reading…


Important Academic Dates

The Academic CalendarNow until the end of the day on Tuesday, November 6: Priority Registration for Spring Semester 2019

Friday, November 9: Last day to withdraw from one or more full semester courses for the term

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Upcoming Events

Ready Campus EventClick here for a list of selected upcoming events like GRE 101, UCARE Application Info Sessions, SciPop Talk, Sean Bott, Brandon Rumbaugh, Graduate School Workshops, Disney Trivia, and the Global Opportunities Fair! Continue reading…


Peace Corps Information Session

The Peace CorpsJessica Vandivort de Montiel, a regional recruiter for the Peace Corps, will be on campus on Thursday, November 15 for the Global Opportunities Fair. There is an information session planned from 5-6:30 pm. Continue reading…



Dr. RaduIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your Math faculty advisor, Dr. Petronela Radu (211 Avery Hall,, and your Math assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (209 Avery Hall,, are here to help.

Originally published October 29, 2018 - Submit an Item