Hello Math Majors,
Now that Priority Registration has passed, I have returned to my normal advising hours for the semester. Did you like that you were able to come in for a walk-in meeting anytime during Priority Registration? Or would have you have preferred that I maintain my normal advising hours? If you have strong feelings about this, please don't hesitate to let me know via email or in-person. If you still haven't enrolled in classes for the Spring 2019 semester, you still have time to do so. Please let me know if you have any questions about your course schedule for the Spring 2019 semester.
Since we are in the last third of the semester, you probably have a lot of competing priorities for your time everyday. Have you established a time management scheme this semester that has allowed you to stay on track? If you not, you should consider visiting with me or an Academic Success Coach in the First-Year Experience and Transition Programs office. Success Coaches aren't just for first year students, and anyone can become better at managing their time, how they study for classes, or how they prepare for exams. The FYE office has put together a couple of time management resources that have proved helpful in the past: a time management brochure and a weekly schedule calendar. The FYE office also offers Success Workshops every week with this week's workshops covering test preparation. If you haven't thought about some of the resources available to you through the FYE office, you should really look into them as they are excellent.
In addition to general support, there are also many available academic resources within the College of Arts and Sciences. You are likely familiar with the Math Resource Center, but did you know there is a Chemistry Resource Center and a Physics Resource Room? You can find information and links about all of the available resources here: https://cas.unl.edu/academic-resources.
Advising Hours
My advising hours for the remainder of the Fall 2018 semesters are as follows:
Appointments: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays except during walk-in hours
Walk-ins: 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
If you can't make it in for a meeting, you are always welcome to email me with any questions that you have.
Dr. Radu's Advising Hours
Dr. Radu's advising hours are every Wednesday from 9:30-11:00 am in 211 Avery Hall. You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Radu outside of her Wednesday hours by emailing her at pradu@unl.edu.