As part of a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is celebrating International Education Week, November 12-16. All around campus, events are taking place highlighting international education.
International Education Week: November 12-16, 2018
Monday, November 12
Display of Flags – HLH Atrium - all week
These flags represent the countries and territories the College of Business students, staff, and faculty call home.
Photo Gallery Display – HLH Atrium - all week
The photos on display around the Atrium are expressions from our students in their experiences around the world. Bringing international experiences back to Nebraska is one of the ways that we can become a more compassionate and interconnected community.
Suitcase to Briefcase: Selling Your Study Abroad Experience to Employers – Pixel Lab, Henzlik Hall – 3:30-5 p.m.
So you’ve been abroad – but now what? In this come and go session, talk with Career professionals on how to talk about your experience abroad. Bring a copy of your resume, your LinkedIn login and your interview skills and see how you can set yourself apart from the crowd with your international experience.
Tuesday, November 13
The Future of Globalization Panel – HLH 111 – 12-1:30 p.m.
Hosted by Global Studies and International Business, this panel will bring together experts form different disciplines across campus to talk about the effect of globalization on economy, politics, and national security, and the way in which it is affecting the lives of people across the globe as well as in our own communities in Nebraska. Brown bag lunch with appetizers provided. No registration required.
Edythe Wiebers Scholarship Reception – Union, Colonial A – 3:30-5 p.m.
Students who have received the Edythe Wiebers Scholarship will share about their experience abroad.
International Business Club Presents: “A Way Out” – HLH Atrium – 6:15 p.m.
Join the International Business Club for a special viewing of the documentary “A Way Out”. This film looks at three Chinese teenagers who have different family backgrounds, financial conditions, and living environment striving to find their future. A short discussion session will follow.
Wednesday, November 14
Internships Abroad Panel
Have you ever wanted to complete an internship abroad? Hear from fellow students about their experience interning abroad and tips for success in having a great internship experience. The panel will last one hour, followed by individual questions, 1-1 advising with Education Abroad and Career Services staff, and networking. Students are welcome to come and go as their schedule permits.
Wednesday, November 14 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Nebraska City Campus Union, Crib Area
Research Abroad Panel
Are you curious about how to gain research experience abroad? Join #HuskersAbroad alumni for an informal panel as they share their experiences and success tips for conducting research abroad. The panel will last one hour, followed by individual questions, 1-1 advising with Education Abroad and Career Services staff, and networking. Students are welcome to come and go as their schedule permits.
Wednesday, November 14 from 12:30-2:00 pm
Nebraska City Campus Union, Crib Area
Thursday, November 15
Global Opportunities Fair – HLH Atrium – 11:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.
This event provides the opportunity for globally-minded students to explore options available in Nebraska and beyond, both now and post-graduation. The fair will feature businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as education abroad programs. This is a collaborative event, hosted by International Business, Global Studies, Education Abroad, and the Business Career Center.
Friday, November 16
Chinese Name Pronunciation Workshop – HLH 032 – 12-1 p.m.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln community is invited to a Chinese Name Pronunciation workshop. Join us for a brown-bag session to learn more about pronunciation. No registration required.
Mini Language Lessons – HLH Atrium – 1-2 p.m.
Even knowing a few words can go a long way. Come stop by the second floor Atrium for the Mini Language Lessons, hosted by CoB international students. Pick up a few key phrases in a variety of languages.
HULT Prize Competition – HLH 018– First Round, 9 a.m. / Final Round, 3 p.m.
Hosted by the International Business Club and the Center for Entrepreneurship, teams will compete in this international quick pitch competition for the chance to represent UNL at the Regional event in the spring. Team applications are due November 11. For more information on the competition and to register, https://go.unl.edu/hultprize.
International Business Club Presents: “Rwanda: The Royal Tour” – Union, Colonial – 6:45 p.m.
Join the International Business Club for a special viewing of the documentary “Rwanda: The Royal Tour”. This film explores extraordinary locations, historic landmarks and cultural experiences of Rwanda. A short discussion will follow.
For a complete listing of campus-wide International Education Week events including the International Food Bazaar, see here: https://globalnebraska.unl.edu/international-education-week