Hello Math majors,
Welcome to the beginning of the Spring 2019 semester! If this is your first semester at UNL, welcome to campus! I'm glad that you are here. If you are returning after the break, welcome back to campus! I'm happy that you have returned. You can expect to see these emails from me every other week usually on Mondays, and they will always include a short message from me.
Are you interested in scholarships that can be used toward your education? The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid has one application for all University- and College-wide scholarships, which is available on MyRed from the beginning of November until February 1 (the deadline to submit applications). This scholarship application is available to all students, and it places you on a list to be considered for all University- and College-wide scholarships that you are eligible for as long as the application is complete. The competition for scholarships from the College of Arts and Sciences is very intense, but both the University and the College want to help you funding the remainder of your education if possible. You can find more information about the University-wide scholarship application here: https://financialaid.unl.edu/upper_class.shtml, and you can find more information about the College of Arts and Sciences' portion of the scholarship application here: https://cas.unl.edu/scholarships-information.
The Department of Mathematics also has scholarships available to current students. You have to apply using the department's scholarship application available here: https://www.math.unl.edu/math-scholarship-application to be considered for any Math Department scholarships. Even students who have received a 4-year Eastman Scholarship are encouraged to and should complete the department's scholarship application. The deadline for the Math Department's scholarship application is Monday, May 19. The Math Department has a generous scholarship fund, so don't miss out on this opportunity to receiving money for your education. For additional information about what makes a student a good candidate for a Math Department Scholarship, please contact Dr. Petronela Radu.
Do you have a 3.5 cumulative GPA or above? Are you interested in or have been completing undergraduate research with a professor? You should consider writing an undergraduate thesis for distinction! The College of Arts and Sciences awards degrees with Distinction to students every graduation cycle, and the ability to earn Distinction is much easier if you write an undergraduate thesis. If you are also in the University Honors Program, you can write one thesis for both Distinction from the College of Arts and Sciences and for the requirements of the University Honors Program. The GPA and Thesis requirements to be considered for a degree with Distinction are available here: https://cas.unl.edu/degrees-distinction. You will also find the required paperwork at that website. The thesis will required an original creative effort with the advice of two faculty advisors. If you are interested in doing research in Mathematics, please contact Dr. Petronela Radu. Dr. Radu has a list of Math Faculty who are happy to work with Undergraduate students.
If you have questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out me.
Advising Hours for the Spring 2019 Semester
From January 4 - January 16:
Walk-ins on a first come, first served from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
From Thursday, January 17 thru Friday, March 22:
Appointments every week day from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Walk-ins only from 1:00-3:30 pm on Thursdays
Dr. Radu's Advising Hours for the Spring 2019 Semester
Mondays 10:30 am to 12:00 noon in 211 Avery Hall
You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Radu by emailing her at pradu@unl.edu.