Central State Mathematics Undergraduate Research Conference 2019

CeSMUR 2019
CeSMUR 2019

Central State Mathematics Undergraduate Research Conference (CeSMUR) 2019

CeSMUR will take place on Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13 on the campus of Kansas State University. The feature speakers are Monica Jackson and Ken Jacobs, and more information about the conference can be found here: https://www.math.ksu.edu/research/i-center/cesmur/2019/index.html.

To register for CeSMUR 2019, please send an e-mail to cesmur@ksu.edu, with your name in the subject line, containing your name and affiliation (school), your advisor's name and affiliation (school), and the title and abstract of your potential research talk. There will be no registration fee, and they have negotiated special rates at nearby hotels. If their grant proposal for the conference is funded, they will be able to cover undergraduate speaker's accommodation in double rooms, and graduate directors or representing graduate students accommodation in single rooms. Dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday will be provided.