Look out for your chance to take part in AMS2024 for free!
The American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting is the largest professional meeting in the weather, water, and climate sector. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the 104th Annual Meeting, “Living in a Changing Environment” (28 January–1 February 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland)! Applications for our Student Assistant Program will open this August—apply to work with AMS staff and student peers and attend the meeting for free!
Building on feedback from recent participants, our 2024 program will offer more opportunities than ever for a rewarding learning and professional experience. You’ll help execute a successful meeting, make connections across sectors and career levels, and learn about cutting-edge research in atmospheric, hydrologic, and oceanic sciences.
Student Assistants receive hotel accommodation, complimentary annual meeting registration, and a small per diem for meals.
To apply, you must be an AMS student member. The application for the 2024 conference opens 11 August and closes 15 September.
We are looking to recruit dependable AMS student members to work directly with staff during the full week’s conference. Visit ametsoc.org now to become a student member, and annual.ametsoc.org to sign up for our meeting newsletter and hear when applications open.