Student Volunteer Opportunities at the National Weather Association Annual Meeting

Student Volunteer Opportunities at the National Weather Association Annual Meeting
Student Volunteer Opportunities at the National Weather Association Annual Meeting

Student Volunteer Opportunities at the National Weather Association Annual Meeting

Dear Students,

This year, we are excited to offer the opportunity for meteorology/atmospheric science students to participate in 2 events with the WAF Committee. The first is a mainstay, the opportunity to present the daily weather briefing at the NWA Annual Conference for the upcoming conference in Kansas City, September 9-13 ( The second is an invitation to contribute to and participate in the NWA Research-Operations Nexus (RON) Meetup event to be held Monday evening (Sept. 11), the exact time is TBA.

NEW for this year:
* A weather forecasting challenge!
* Attendees of the conference can submit a probabilistic forecast for the maximum temperature at Kansas City International Airport (KMCI) from 12am to 11:59pm local time.
* Students will focus on the Kansas City area for their weather briefings, helping to guide attendees with their forecast.

Briefing Logistics
* Students may give the briefing on their own or in a team of up to three students.
* An NWA member and a local NWS forecaster will serve as their mentor at the meeting. The mentors will help them put the briefing together.
* We will host a quick training webinar a week before the conference so that they know what to expect.

The briefings will be held before lunch break on:
Monday, Sept. 11
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Wednesday, Sept. 13

* The Research Operations Nexus (RON) Meetup provides the opportunity for an interactive discussion between research and operational meteorologists, students, hydrologists, social scientists, and broadcasters.
* We are looking for volunteers to take notes during 3 rounds of 25-minute discussions on various weather-related topics.
* We are also looking for volunteers to help run the sign-in table at the start of the event.
* Student participation is strongly encouraged, as they are an important part of the R2O/O2R process too!

Sign up to participate in either event at! For the form, if you are planning on presenting their weather briefing as a group, only one person needs to fill out the form; there is a spot for you to fill out your group mate's information.

Additionally, although not a requirement, it would be easiest if the students volunteering plan on being in-person for the conference. Although we have the form, please contact me, Sarah Trojniak, the POC for the Student Briefings, if you have any questions.

Student Briefing POC:
Sarah Trojniak
work email:
personal email: