Student Volunteer Opportunities at the National Weather Association Annual Meeting
Dear Students,
This year, we are excited to offer the opportunity for meteorology/atmospheric science students to participate in 2 events with the WAF Committee. The first is a mainstay, the opportunity to present the daily weather briefing at the NWA Annual Conference for the upcoming conference in Kansas City, September 9-13 (https://nwas.org/2023-annual-meeting/). The second is an invitation to contribute to and participate in the NWA Research-Operations Nexus (RON) Meetup event to be held Monday evening (Sept. 11), the exact time is TBA.
NEW for this year:
* A weather forecasting challenge!
* Attendees of the conference can submit a probabilistic forecast for the maximum temperature at Kansas City International Airport (KMCI) from 12am to 11:59pm local time.
* Students will focus on the Kansas City area for their weather briefings, helping to guide attendees with their forecast.
Briefing Logistics
* Students may give the briefing on their own or in a team of up to three students.
* An NWA member and a local NWS forecaster will serve as their mentor at the meeting. The mentors will help them put the briefing together.
* We will host a quick training webinar a week before the conference so that they know what to expect.
The briefings will be held before lunch break on:
Monday, Sept. 11
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Wednesday, Sept. 13
* The Research Operations Nexus (RON) Meetup provides the opportunity for an interactive discussion between research and operational meteorologists, students, hydrologists, social scientists, and broadcasters.
* We are looking for volunteers to take notes during 3 rounds of 25-minute discussions on various weather-related topics.
* We are also looking for volunteers to help run the sign-in table at the start of the event.
* Student participation is strongly encouraged, as they are an important part of the R2O/O2R process too!
Sign up to participate in either event at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewWtaTsRInKtrjEEsknZ_G7xj9xwhUIJVEdI4H-EY_mijmPA/viewform! For the form, if you are planning on presenting their weather briefing as a group, only one person needs to fill out the form; there is a spot for you to fill out your group mate's information.
Additionally, although not a requirement, it would be easiest if the students volunteering plan on being in-person for the conference. Although we have the form, please contact me, Sarah Trojniak, the POC for the Student Briefings, if you have any questions.
Student Briefing POC:
Sarah Trojniak
work email: sarah.trojniak@noaa.gov
personal email: trojn1sm@gmail.com