Meteorology Journal Club
Morning all, and happy Thanksgiving week!
This week, we will not have journal club, given it is Thanksgiving week. We will, however, meet for journal club next week. We will discuss the following paper:
The Relative Importance of Updraft and Cold Pool Characteristics in Supercell Tornadogenesis Using Highly Idealized Simulations. Fischer and Dahl 2020.
Next week will be our last journal club for the semester. Thank you to all who came and participated throughout the semester! I hope it was a good experience.
Because next week will be our last journal club meeting, I would like to ask two things of everyone interested in participating in journal club:
1) For next semester, what topics would you like to see discussed/covered in journal club? With that, please send me some example papers (if you have any) of topics you would like to see discussed. If you don't know any papers about the topic you are interested in, that is fine, just send me the topic you're interested in at least.
2) How can we improve the journal club for those who are able to attend?
Please send me an email with answers to those questions if you are interested at all in participating in the journal club. Sometime over the winter break I will send out a survey asking everyone for their availability to schedule our time for journal club next semester.
Thanks all! Have an excellent week!
Devon Healey