METR 491/891: Teaching and Outreach in Meteorology
NEW COURSE for Spring 2024
Meets: MWF 10:30 – 11:20 (may be modified once the class starts)
Instructor: Dr. Van Den Broeke (mvandenbroeke2@unl.edu)
Prerequisite: An interest in meteorological teaching and/or outreach
Consider taking: if you may do teaching or outreach as part of a career—this course will provide hands-on experience
Main Topics:
--Backward design and development of learning outcomes
--Developing syllabi and course/outreach materials
--Active learning strategies and experiential learning
--Assessment methods and rubric development
--Classroom climate/management
--Inclusive teaching
--Motivating and engaging students
--AI in teaching and learning
--Developing and implementing outreach activities
Assessment: Project-based. You’ll individually develop ideas for a course or outreach activity that you currently teach or are interested in, and you will use meteorological instrumentation to develop genuine outreach modules as a group!