KSNT-KTMJ-KTKA - CW part of the Nexstar Media Group, Inc. - Meteorologist
Geological Survey - Hydrologic Technician (AR & LA)
Forest Service - Hydrologic Technician (Degree Complete in ID, MT, NV), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in WY), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in CO, SD, WY), Hydrologic Technician (Degree Complete in CO, SD, WY), Hydrologic Technician (Degree Complete in CA), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in CA), Physical Science Technician (Degree Complete in CA), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in OR & WA), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in ID, MT, OR, UT), Hydrologic Technician (Degree Complete in CA, ID, MN), Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress in WA), and Hydrologic Technician (Degree Complete in OR)
Southwest Biological Science Center - Hydrologist
Dakota Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician (Degree In-progress) and Student Trainee (Hydrology)
Kansas Water Science Center - Student Trainee (Physical Science)
Environmental Protection Agency - Life Scientist / Environmental Engineer / Physical Scientist (IL & MI), Physical Scientist/Chemist, Student Trainee (Life Science/Engineering/Physical Science), and Life Scientist / Environmental Engineer / Physical Scientist (IL, MI, & OH)
Bureau of Land Management - Wyoming - Hydrologic Technician
Utah Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician
Washington Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician
National Institute of Standards and Technology - Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program - Boulder, CO (Physical Science) and Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program - Gaithersburg, MD (Physical Science)
Princeton University - Ph.D. Student Opportunity (Stochastic Hydrology and Hydroclimatology)
Cooperative Agricultural Research Center, College of Agriculture and Human Science, Prairie View A&M University - MS Degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Montana Conservation Corps - Big Sky Watershed Corps Member
FedEx Express - Meteorologist
Xcel Energy - Meteorologist
Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
American Meteorological Society - Career Center Job Board
National Weather Association - Job Announcements (membership required)
PennState Dept of Meteorology - All Job Listings
Oklahoma School of Meteorology - All Job Listings
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Meteorology - All Opportunities
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog