Hello Meteorology-Climatology Majors,
I hope you are doing well during this final regular week of the Spring 2024 semester. This week, I want to discuss some of the courses planned for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters that could be important for your future coursework and your Meteorology-Climatology major and ancillary requirements. I realize that this is a bit late, but I wanted to make sure that you know about these specific courses.
Summer 2024 Course Options:
Meteorology-Climatology Courses
- METR 100: Weather and Climate - starting point for Meteorology-Climatology major coursework
- METR 495: Internship in Meteorology-Climatology - Meteorology-Climatology major elective course if you have an internship related to the major
Ancillary Required Courses
- CHEM 109A and CHEM 109L: General Chemistry I and Lab - First 5-Week Session only; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major
- MATH 101: College Algebra - First 5-Week Session only; prerequisite for MATH 102 and METR 100
- MATH 102: Trigonometry - Second 5-Weeek Session only; prerequisite for MATH 106
- MATH 106: Calculus I - Both First and Second 5-Week Sessions; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for MATH 107 and PHYS 211
- MATH 107: Calculus II - Both First and Second 5-Week Sessions; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for MATH 208/208H, MATH 221/221H, METR 223, and STAT 380
- MATH 208: Calculus III - Both First and Second 5-Week Sessions; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 311
- MATH 221: Differential Equations - Both First and Second 5-Week Sessions; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 312
- PHYS 211 and PHYS 221: General Physics I and Lab - First 5-Week Session only; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 205 and PHYS 212
- STAT 380: Statistics and Applications - Both First and Second 5-Week Sessions; required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major
Fall 2024 Course Options:
Completely Elective Meteorology-Climatology Courses
- METR 140: Severe and Unusual Weather - completely elective course that could be useful if you need a METR 100 refresh
- METR 180: Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment - completely elective course that could be useful if you are interested in Climatology
Meteorology-Climatology Core Courses
- METR 100: Weather and Climate - starting point for Meteorology-Climatology major coursework
- METR 205: Introduction to Atmospheric Science - Only taught during Fall semesters; prerequisite for METR 223, METR 311, and METR 323
- METR 311: Dynamic Meteorology I - Only taught during Fall semesters; prerequisite for METR 312, METR 443, METR 444, and METR 471
- METR 323: Physical Meteorology - Only taught during Fall semesters; prerequisite for METR 421 and METR 463
- METR 442: Advanced Synoptic Meteorology-Climatology - ACE 10 Course; only taught during Fall semesters
Meteorology-Climatology Elective Courses
- METR 370: Applied Climatology - the only 300-level Meteorology-Climatology elective course; can be taken if you have junior standing or higher; useful if you are interested in the human element of Meteorology-Climatology
- METR 408: Microclimate: The Biological Environment - can be taken if you have junior standing or higher, MATH 106, and PHYS 211/221; useful if you are interested in Hydrometeorology, Hydroclimatology, or Land-Atmospheric Interactions
- METR 433: Boundary-layer Meteorology - can be taken after MATH 208/208H and METR 223; useful if you are interested in Land-Atmospheric Interactions, low-level Atmospheric Processes, or how the low-level atmosphere is handled in models
- METR 444: Mesoscale Meteorology - can be taken after METR 311; useful if you are interested in atmospheric processes that take place on scales between one to two county size to one state size
- METR 453: GIS in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - can be taken after METR 100 if you have junior standing or higher; useful to many areas of Meteorology-Climatology
- METR 469: Bio-Atmospheric Instrumentation - can be taken if you have junior standing or higher, MATH 106, and PHYS 211; useful if you are interested in Hydrometeorology, Hydroclimatology, or Land-Atmospheric Interactions
- METR 495: Internship in Meteorology-Climatology - can be taken if you have an internship related to the major
Ancillary Required Courses
- CHEM 109A and CHEM 109L: General Chemistry I and Lab - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major
- MATH 103: College Algebra and Trigonometry - Prerequisite for MATH 106 and METR 100
- MATH 106: Calculus I - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for MATH 107 and PHYS 211
- MATH 107: Calculus II - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for MATH 208/208H, MATH 221/221H, METR 223, and STAT 380
- MATH 208: Calculus III - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 311
- MATH 221: Differential Equations - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 312
- PHYS 211 and PHYS 221: General Physics I and Lab - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 205 and PHYS 212
- PHYS 212: General Physics II - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major; prerequisite for METR 323
- STAT 380: Statistics and Applications - Required course for the Meteorology-Climatology major
I would highly recommend researching all of the above courses on the Undergraduate Catalog at https://catalog.unl.edu/undergraduate if you would like to know more about them. I would also be happy to discuss them with you during an appointment or drop-in meeting.
Open Registration for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters is underway. During Open Registration, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Any student who is eligible to enroll may access MyRED to enroll. Nebraska Now and unclassified students (e.g., students-at-large and visiting students) will be able to register now.
Any holds on your MyRed record that impact your eligibility to enroll in classes will continue to impact your ability to use open registration. This includes holds related to required advising for first year students in their first or second semester, to required advising for students who will be starting their final year of their degree (based solely on credit hours completed), and to required advising for being on Academic Warning. I can help with lifting holds related to required advising, but you will likely need to discuss the hold during a scheduled meeting rather than a drop-in meeting or just stopping by my office. I would encourage you to contact the office on campus related to any other holds, and I would be happy to direct you if there is any confusion.
Now is the time to enroll in your schedule of classes for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters if you haven't already done so.
Newsletter Feedback
If you ever have questions or feedback about anything in the weekly newsletter, please let me know by shooting me an email. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to know if these emails are actually being read and/or found useful.
Best wishes, Doug
Spring 2024 Advising Schedule
I will taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 45-minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and 1:15 pm to 5:00 pm every weekday when I am not taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings. I will also be taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and Fridays at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Zoom drop-in meetings are being coordinated by the College of Arts and Sciences with a schedule and a link to the Zoom room available at https://cas.unl.edu/drop-in-advising-schedule.
You can schedule a meeting with me by using the Student Success Hub via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at dpellatz@unl.edu. You can find instructions for how to access and schedule meetings in the Student Success Hub system here.
CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Meteorology-Climatology is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Meteorology-Climatology major.