First SEAS Coffee Hour for Fall 2024
Hi Y'all,
This Friday, Students of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (SEAS) will be hosting the first Coffee Hour of the semester to welcome this week's Stout lecture speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Wallace from Old Dominion University. Coffee hour will run from 2:30-3:30 pm in Bessey Hall 109. You're welcome to come and go as you want. This is also a great chance to meet and talk to faculty and other students in the department.
We would also love to see you at the Stout lecture (3:30-4:30) in Bessey Hall 117. Dr. Wallace will be speaking on: "Hurricane and climate interactions over the past two millennia: Insights from sediment cores and climate models"
You don't have to RSVP for either event, just come and join us!
Have a wonderful week,
Annie Lammes
SEAS Secretary