Global Experiences Updates
The Global Experiences Offices (GEO) has lots of ways to help you gather information to help you make your decision about where and when to studying abroad.
• You can stop into the GEO office at LPH 130 for drop-in advising. The GEO Graduate Assistant Alicia is great at helping students who are getting started. She does drop-ins from Mondays from 12 pm - 3 pm, Wednesday from 11:30 am - 1 pm, and Thursdays from 9 am - 10:30 am.
• If you can’t make her drop-in advising, make a plan to attend Huskers Abroad 101. It’s a 30-minute info session that gives you all the basics about studying abroad, like the different types of programs, the terms you can study abroad, and how to select a program. There’s no registration needed, just show up any Tuesdays at 3pm in LPH 137 or Wednesdays in LPH 124. You can check out the GEO Calendar for all of our events, and keep an eye out for Huskers Abroad 102. That’s a weekly info session that will help you learn how to pay for your study abroad program.
• The College of Arts and Sciences has seven really incredible study abroad programs led by Arts and Sciences faculty. See the PDF with the list of programs and QR codes for more information and to apply. You can also do a search at this website. Via Program Search
Renae Ninneman (she/her)
Global Experiences Coordinator
Schedule an appointment with me!
See my LinkTree for information about studying abroad.