Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity
Apply Now - The Application is Open!
The link is https://gfsd.onlineapplications.net/.
A PERFECT MATCH doctoral degree
a potential National Physical– with a great future ahead.
The GFSD is more than a way to help promising science students earn their advanced degree. It offers an opportunity for employers across the United States to play a major role in training tomorrow’s scientists while enhancing and diversifying their workforce. The GFSD provides an important service to businesses, industries and laboratories by identifying tomorrow’s most promising scientists and matching them with employer-sponsors who support their doctoral training. GFSD assists employers with mentoring and other ways of increasing the likelihood that GFSD fellows will work for their sponsor after the Ph.D. Employer sponsors include the nation’s top agencies, companies and laboratories, along with more than 100 public and private universities. With an outstanding record of success, the GFSD brings today’s industry leaders together with tomorrow’s most promising science scholars – a perfect match.
The Graduate Fellowship for STEM Diversity is a unique partnership of industry, government and higher education. GFSD helps its partners to recruit, identify, select, and support outstanding U.S. doctoral students. Since granting its first fellowship award to seven young scholars in 1989, the GFSD partnership has provided fellowships to more than 600 aspiring scientists and engineers. Of these, nearly half are minorities and three-quarters are women. More than 300 have received the doctorate degree. GFSD’s principal objective is to aid in increasing the number of Ph.D.’s in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool of women and historically underrepresented minorities. All U.S. citizens are eligible.
GFSD Offers A two-phase, six-year fellowship program
1) Initial support is for two or three years. If progress is satisfactory and the conditions of the award are maintained, support may continue for a total of up to six years. Students typically apply while seniors in college. (Some employers may require a postdoctoral employment commitment in return for continuing support.)
2) Dissertation support is also available to students to apply for in the year prior to the one in which they intend to start their Ph.D. dissertation research. Funding begins in the year in which the research begins and, if the conditions of the award are maintained, may continue to the Ph.D.
To learn more and to apply online, go to http://www.stemfellowships.org. Students may apply starting in late August; the process closes in late November (see http://www.stemfellowships.org for exact dates). The information included on the online application is the same as that required for graduate school admission: degrees earned and expected, employment and internship history, grades (self-entered and later verified), GRE scores (optional), references, personal statement, etc. The Fellowship covers tuition and fees and provides a generous annual stipend. Students in the six-year program intern for two summers with their sponsor, who provides a salary and covers travel expenses. For students who receive six years of support, the total value of the Fellowship well exceeds $200,000.