Students of Earth and Atmospheric Science (SEAS) T-Shirts

Students of Earth and Atmospheric Science T-Shirts
Students of Earth and Atmospheric Science T-Shirts

Students of Earth and Atmospheric Science (SEAS) T-Shirts

Hello all!

It’s that time of the year again! Students of Earth and Atmospheric Science are having our annual t-shirt voting and pre-orders! This year, we will be doing things a bit differently. T-shirt voting and pre-orders will be on the same google form.

Please fill out the google form if you would like to order a t-shirt and vote on this year’s design! T-shirts will cost $15, paid directly to Tina or Janelle in cash. Once you fill out the google form, please give your payment to either Tina or Janelle in the front office. Voting and pre-orders will end on March 31st! Please submit both the form and payment by the end of the month.

T-shirts will be ordered and made available in April.

Vice President