We will have an opportunity to create Agar Art (colored microorganisms) that we will plate on Petri dishes and grow them into beautiful designs to possibly enter into the American Society of Microbiology agar art contest. Students who are interested must go through Biosafety Training overseen by Dr. Weber. This session will be done in the evening in a Beadle lab. Note that even though Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-5:20pm are on there as options, these times are unavailable because labs are running during that time. These dates are for early February, and please fill out all times you are available. Here is the link: https://www.when2meet.com/?10728570-zyOlg
Other Notes of Interest:
Based on poll results, Thursdays at 6pm will be the best time for Microbiology Club General Meetings. The club meets every 2 weeks. The zoom link for this is:
Topic: Microbiology Club Meetings
Time: 6pm-7pm Thursday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 255 150 9298
Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 11th, from 6-7pm. We will be discussing:
*T-shirt order forms-DUE by February 16th!
*Election! We will be adding a social coordinator as mentioned in the Microbiology Club original constitution. We feel that it would be helpful to fill this vacant seat in our officers team to assist with better advertising for the club. The main responsibilities of this role would include taking pictures/videos to post on various social media platforms to promote the activities of the club.
**If you would like to be nominated or nominate someone else for this position, please email Breanna Butler (Club President) at breanna.butler@huskers.unl.edu
*Ratifying amendments to our constitution that was outdated
*Details about the agar art event coming up this semester! We will be working in a lab in Beadle and creating art on petri dishes with pigmented organisms. It will be a great time! Training for this event is mandatory and will be held on a Tuesday evening, more details to come on that.
*Other activities planned for the semester
More details at: http://breanna.butler@huskers.unl.edu