The Center for Biotechnology is accepting applications for the Milton E. Mohr Biotechnology Scholarship and Fellowship Awards Program for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a degree program in Biotechnology. Each scholarship and fellowship is in the amount of $1,000 per year. Scholarships and fellowships are renewable; however, the recipient must re-apply to be eligible.
Please note that there are two application forms – one for undergraduate and one for graduate students. Applications from students need to be submitted to your department’s office no later than Friday, March 12, 2021.
Your department’s responsibilities are as follows:
1. Select the:
o Top five (5) undergraduate applicants
o Top three (3) graduate applicants
2. Create ranked lists of your applicants. If there are additional applicants that you feel are outstanding and worthy of consideration, please forward their applications and add to your ranking list.
3. Notify applicants that were not selected for further review.
4. Send a memo with your ranking and comments for your top applicants, along with the original applications (a scanned pdf is acceptable), to me at, no later than Friday, March 29, 2021.
5. Please make sure that application forms are signed by both the applicant and the Department head, and filled out completely.
The Center's Faculty Advisory Committee will review and select the 2021 2022 Biotechnology Mohr Scholarship and Fellowship awardees. All awardees will be notified the week of April 19, 2021.
More details at: