Student Research Days Poster Session

Research Days.PNG

Register to Present Your Poster
Students must have registered by March 3, 2023.

Space is limited for poster presentations; if registrations exceed capacity, preference will be given to juniors and seniors. Notifications by Tuesday, March 7, 2023, whether your poster or exhibit has been accepted for presentation.

Communications regarding the conference will take place via the email address you provide when you register. The emails will go to a large number of participants, so be prepared to check your “junk” or “bulk” mailboxes.

Friday, March 3
Deadline to register for the poster session and creative exhibition
Tuesday, March 7
Applicants notified of presentation decision
Friday, March 17
Posters must be submitted by students to the Pixel Lab for printing. No late submissions allowed.
Monday, March 27
Poster drop-off at the Nebraska Union Centennial Room
Tuesday, March 28 @ 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Engineering and physical sciences presentations
Wednesday, March 29 @ 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Arts and humanities, education, business, social sciences, and life sciences presentations

The second annual Student Research Days Slam on March 31 is seeking presenters. Faculty are urged to encourage their students to participate in this opportunity to share their work with a campus wide audience.

More details at: