Undergraduate Lab Positions

Undergraduate Lab Trainees to work in our lab and hope that you could help us spread the word to the undergrad students in your sphere.
We are looking for 2-3 students with an inclination towards research. Our undergrads have a good track record of landing grad school positions as they graduate.

We have 2 different projects involving,
- Algal Physiology, environment interaction, and metabolism.
- Physiology and farnesol signaling in fungus, Candida albicans

Students will be trained in microbiology, metabolism, and analytical techniques. This would be a 10-hour/ week (flexible) commitment.

Jithesh Vijayan
Jithesh Vijayan <jitheshbt@gmail.com>
Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
ASPB Ambassador to Univ. of Nebraska

More details at: https://jitheshbt@gmail.com