This new ACE 9 or CDR E course offered for the first time this fall will engage students with a diverse set of foodways right here in our community! Examine how food behaviors are shaped by culture. This course is funded by the Global Experiences and all associated costs will be covered. The course will meet on MWF 2:30-3:20. This course also fulfills the following requirements: ACE 9 OR CDR E.
Over the course of the semester we'll head out into the community for food-centered events like the North 27th Street Food Tour, the Harvest Moon Festival, and many others. We'll watch food demonstrations from local chefs, and through it all we'll reflect on our own identity and the way in which different foods we eat have helped shape it.
Food is an essential part of human experience. From childhood on, social interactions, whether within the family or with other groups, provide the context within which the majority of food experiences occur, and as such, is an expression of our cultural and ethnic identity. For most people today, food differences between cultures remain; however, globalization has profoundly transformed food consumption and production at both micro and macro level. Nevertheless, food has a rich cultural significance in people’s lives and our food choices and behaviors are influenced not only by our geography, environment, ethnicity, and nationality, but also our preferences, tastes, rituals, traditions, gender, language and class. In addition, economic and environmental factors, globalization, localization, and social movements all affect our access and attitudes toward food.
More details at: https://myworld.unl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12994