International Council of Undergraduate Research - Call for Abstracts!

International Council of Undergraduate Research - Call for Abstracts!
International Council of Undergraduate Research - Call for Abstracts!

Last year, UNL participated in its first-ever International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR). Seven students presented their research to a global audience.

ICUR is a two-day academic conference showcasing multi-disciplinary undergraduate research from across the globe and is supported by the Monash Warwick Alliance between Monash University in Australia and the University of Warwick in England. The conference now includes eleven partner institutions from around the world. UNL will again participate in 2021 and seeks to increase the number of students presenting. For more information about ICUR, see the videos below. For questions about UNL's participation and how to get involved, contact Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research, at

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