Week 12 Modern Languages Newsletter
"We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on earth for." - Dolores Huerta
"We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on earth for." - Dolores Huerta
Sydney Webb is the Academic Advisor for the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Modern Languages department. You can make an appointment with her through MyPLAN or see her drop-in hours at the link below.
**Drop-ins are via Zoom only** Continue reading…
Our CAS Career Coaches Meagan and Kristen want to help you set yourself up for career success! This is Kristen's last week at UNL, so be sure to stop into OLDH 107 today to tell her bye!
Continue reading for this week's update on opportunities to gain experience (and fund your experience)! Continue reading…
In addition to a successful language fair, we're very happy to announce that our department and its faculty have won 6 different awards this year! Continue reading to check out the awesome work that has been recognized. Continue reading…
The Chancellor's Environment, Resilience and Sustainability Commission (CESRC) invites you to complete the State of Sustainability and Resilience at UNL Survey. Take the survey to help the CESRC understand your thoughts on the master plan! Continue reading…
More details at: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5cjkWtGzr9PdeRM***THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED***
Join this webinar from APSIA to meet Peace Corps recruiters / returned volunteers who will share their experiences, explain some of the professional benefits that come from Peace Corps service, and dispel myths about Peace Corps service.
April 6, 3:00-4:00pm Eastern
Are you pre-law? These courses would be great to take!
Title IX Course HIST 112– Fall 2022 (3 credits, ACE 5)
US Legal History Course HIST 115– Summer 2022 (3 credits, ACE 8) Continue reading…
Check out the French courses below!
No prereq—taught in English, no knowledge of French required.
If you have an interest in art or music, or in French writing, or simply in remaking your notions of what’s possible in artistic and intellectual creation, this class will speak to you! Continue reading…
Prereq : six hours at the 300 level, including 301 and/or 302, or permission.
Continue reading for full description! Continue reading…
Prereq : six hours at the 300 level, including 301 and/or 302, or permission.
This course examines various forms of cultural production from the French-speaking islands, including literature, cinema, popular media, art, music, and dance. Continue reading for full description. Continue reading…
Check out the German classes below!
Critical survey of the development of epic and lyric poetry from the beginning to the present time.
TR 2:30-3:45pm with Dr. Patty Simpson
Check out the Russian classes below!
Interested in learning a new language and better understanding current events? Learn Russian online this Summer! You can take RUSS 101 in the first 5 week session and RUSS 102 in the second 5 week session.
Continue reading/contact Prof. Olha Tytarenko (olha.tytarenko@unl.edu) for more information. Continue reading…
Improve your Russian writing & conversational skills through watching Russian movies! Expand your
vocabulary and improve your communicative skills as we talk about complex problems of Russian society. We will watch, discuss, critically analyze, and write essays on various issues raised in the films. Continue reading…
In RUSS 483, you'll explore how political beliefs and myths of Russian people shaped their world outlook and discover how folklore has been used as an instrument in the Russian "nation-building" project.
Everything will be in English, no prior knowledge of Russian is necessary!
Continue reading…
Check out the Spanish classes below!
In this course, you will gain confidence, fluency, and a more comprehensive understanding of cultures and how they play into medical decisions and influence communication inside and outside of the medical field. The daily immersion will provide you with the unique opportunity for extensive practice! Continue reading…
Examination of Latin American literature and culture since the 15th century with a focus on the issues of race and empire.
TR 9:30-10:45 with Dr. Jose Gonzalez
Examination of ecology and environmental issues in Hispanic culture.
MWF 11:30-12:20 with Dr. Lola Lorenzo
Cultural and linguistic adaptation (Spanish-English) of cultural artifacts such as movies, comics, songs, poetry, narrative prose, essays, etc. Particular emphasis will be put on developing literacy on software and digital tools.
TR 12:30-1:45 with Dr. Ingrid Robyn
Changes in the sound system, evolution of morphological paradigms and general patterns of semantic change.
MWF 1:30-2:20
This course will explore the experiences of displacement of Spaniards from the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 - present time. We will cover topics such as memory, children’s exile, national & personal identity, the second generation, work, family, social exclusion and more! Taught in Spanish Continue reading…
An introduction to Arab culture's best love stories of all time!
TR 9:30-10:45am with Dr. Abla Hasan
Experience an overview of the interface between ecological issues and Chinese cinema situated in a larger context of environmental studies. We'll explore such themes as water, animal, air, landscape, cityscape, and the spectacular in a manner that is both accessible and ethical.
*Taught in English Continue reading…
Fosters understanding of the relationship between food and culture. Uses food as a lens to explore general topic areas such as identity, gender, language, family, nutrition, and health.
MWF 10:30-11:20am, Bessey 108 with Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic
All domestic and international students are invited to join the International Student and Scholar Office’s “LinkedIn/How to brand yourself as a professional workshop” session on April 4 from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom. Continue reading…
Support the student organization Mind & Craft by purchasing something at the Goodie Sale! Come get felt stuffed items such as frogs, mushrooms, succulents, and more on April 11, 13, and 15 from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Union!
A general intro to the politics, the diversity of religions, and the cultures in the Arab world. You'll also learn about the humanitarian challenges that face millions of people in the region.
TR 2:00-3:15 with Hassan Almokhreq
This course covers Central European and Czech history and culture from 1848 till the present: Habsburgh Empire and national awakening, WWI and WWII, formation of CZ, Cold War and transition to democracy. Discussions, speakers, and fun events!
TR 2:00-3:15pm with Dr. Hana Waisserova
Current and historical perspectives on forced migration with special attention to refugees, displaced persons, immigrants, and migrants.
TR 11:00am-12:15pm, OLDH 204 with Dr. Julia Reilly
Janna Ronert, founder of Image Skincare and co-founder of Hush and Hush, will give the talk "My Entrepreneurial Journey" April 6 at 3:30 p.m. in Howard Hawks Hall, Room 002. The event is free and open to the public. Continue reading…
Do you have extra plastic grocery bags lying around? Mind & Craft is currently collecting them! Today is the last day to drop off your plastic bags at one of the locations listed (continue reading) Continue reading…
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