Chinese Ecocinema TR 11 am-12:15pm
The seemingly progressive heyday of capitalism could be the apocalypse of all human beings given the “ecological disequilibrium” (Guattari, 1989), “hyperobjects” (Morton, 2013), and the “worldwide ecological crisis” (Žižek, 2010). A new paradigm of media can actively reverse such a progressive deterioration; hence, solutions to the ecological crisis lie not merely in science but also humanities. This course offers an overview of the interface between ecological issues and Chinese cinema situated in a larger context of environmental studies. We will explore such themes as water, animal, air, landscape, cityscape, and the spectacular in a manner that is both accessible and ethical. We will not only examine various representations of ecologies, but also more importantly seek the reasons to the ecological deteriorations so as to find possible human-nature relationships and create a sustainable future. This course emphasizes interactive discussion and comparative perspective. All films are subtitled in English. No knowledge of Chinese languages or history is presumed or required.