SPAN 476: Exile and Migration
Fall 2022 - Thursdays 3:30-5:50pm
Prof. Iker González-Allende
This course will explore the experiences of displacement of Spaniards from the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 to the present time. It will focus on the exile that Spanish people suffered after dictator Franco’s victory, their migration in the 1960s to other European countries, and their contemporary displacement in search of job opportunities. We will also analyze the situation of African migrants currently living in Spain. We will cover topics such as memory, children’s exile, the return, national and personal identity, the second generation, work, family, social exclusion and discrimination, and gender and sexuality.
Throughout the semester, we will read and watch multiple cultural texts, including memoirs, poetry, novels, documentaries, films, and graphic novels.
Requirements will include active participation, an interview with a migrant person, an exam, and a final paper. Class will be taught in Spanish.
For more information, contact Prof. Iker González-Allende at igonzalezallende2@unl.edu.