Research report: Leadership activities

Figures depicting MTEP-related activities reported by leaders
Figures depicting MTEP-related activities reported by leaders

Since the start of the current NSF funding, we have been asking leaders in MTEP (campus leaders, team leaders, change agents, change coaches) to log their MTEP-related activities every two weeks. One year in, what do these leadership logs show?

Two-thirds of the time, leaders log at least one activity. Over half of the interactions occur via video conference/Zoom, with about one-fifth each being via email or in person. In logging who was involved, about 30% of the interactions were with a small group (subset of the MTEP NIC), with individual, one-on-one, and whole team meetings each comprising approximately 15-20%.

Leaders regularly report engaging in all of the activities we envisioned: local driver diagram, PDSA cycles, student success, accreditation, managing team personnel and power dynamics, policy discussions, diversity/equity/inclusion/social justice, dissemination efforts, planning for future activities, connecting across NICs/MTEP, structure of the teacher preparation program, team/relationship building, and others.

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