MTEP Transformers

The MTEP 2.0 Minority-Serving Institutions Partnership Building and Informational Meeting is November 1, 2023.
The MTEP 2.0 Minority-Serving Institutions Partnership Building and Informational Meeting is November 1, 2023.

Ensuring the inclusion of diverse voices in the MTEP 2.0 network

MTEP 2.0 is scaling up its national network to reflect a mathematics teacher education community that mirrors the richness and diversity in the types of post-secondary institutions that comprise the higher education landscape in the United States. Continue reading…

The October NIC-Cast featuring insights from the AMTE Advocacy Committee is October 18.
The October NIC-Cast featuring insights from the AMTE Advocacy Committee is October 18.

Upcoming events / Don't forget!

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 3–4 p.m. EDT
Navigating Policies Around Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Insights from the AMTE Advocacy Committee
Nina Bailey, Betsy Berry, Christopher Jett, Alexa Lee-Hassan, Kim Morrow-Leong, Patrice Waller, and Kyle Whipple Continue reading…


Research report: Leadership activities

Figures depicting MTEP-related activities reported by leadersSince the start of the current NSF funding, we have been asking leaders in MTEP (campus leaders, team leaders, change agents, change coaches) to log their MTEP-related activities every two weeks. One year in, what do these leadership logs show? Continue reading…

Originally published October 16, 2023 - Submit an Item