On Tuesday, Jan. 23, Brian R. Lawler and W. Gary Martin hosted the NIC-Cast “Getting the Most Out of the MTEP (and AMTE) Conferences” via Zoom. During the NIC-Cast, MTEP NIC members discussed how best to utilize the MTEP and AMTE Conferences to advance the work of their local teams. Read the tips compiled from the discussion below!
Get together with your team.
- Meet with your local team prior to the MTEP and AMTE conferences to discuss goals and devise a plan for the conferences.
- Gather with team members on Thursday night or Friday at lunchtime after the MTEP Conference for a planning session.
- Meet with your local team after the MTEP and AMTE conferences to share new insights, lessons learned, and discuss how to apply these ideas locally.
Participate in an MTEP Working Group at the 2024 MTEP Conference.
- Identify team priorities before selecting a group, consulting your team’s Driver Diagram and current PDSA cycles for guidance.
- Assign specific individuals to participate in different groups to cover several areas of interest.
- Encourage a balance between topics that are most relevant to the team and individual research interests.
Attend relevant sessions at the 2024 AMTE Conference.
- Share the list of MTEP Sessions at AMTE 2024 to see presentations about MTEP as well as the AMTE 2024 Sessions Relevant to MTEP spreadsheet with your team to plan who will attend which sessions.
- Divide and conquer: assign people to attend MTEP and MTEP-related sessions at AMTE that are connected to your team’s work. Spread your team across sessions of interest.
- Look for sessions that align with local NIC goals to see what others are doing.
- Encourage a balance between topics that are most relevant to the team and individual research interests.
MTEP 2.0 NIC-Casts are monthly interactive webinars to share ideas, lessons learned, and build community. The goals for the NIC-Cast series are building familiarity with aspects of the NIC change and research process; supporting program NIC teams as they work to improve secondary mathematics teacher preparation; and building community and shared vision within local program NICs and across the MTEP 2.0 community.