Advocacy corner: Five tools to advocating for your program

75 Days | 75 Ways is the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's movement to raise awareness of ways to advocate for education.
75 Days | 75 Ways is the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's movement to raise awareness of ways to advocate for education.

We are beginning a new series of articles on advocating for your program. Each article will feature up to five ways you and your programs can advocate for your programs and the profession. With the ever-changing political landscape, it’s important our voices, the voices of the teachers we prepare and the students they impact, are elevated and heard. The ideas presented each month are only suggestions and do not represent an endorsement of one organization, app, or tool over another. Have a favorite way you advocate? Please send additional suggestions for this list to

We kick off this series with Five Tools to Use Advocating for Your Program:

  1. The Conversation
    The Conversation shares researchers' expertise in the form of white papers, op-eds, and other digestible forms. They publish trustworthy and informative articles written for the general public by academic experts and edited by a team of journalists.
  2. AACTE 75 Days | 75 Ways to Advocate for Education
    This campaign from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education includes a comprehensive list of advocacy resources and links to lists, calling tools, etc. 75 Days | 75 Ways aims to provide actionable steps everyone can take at the local, state, and federal levels to improve our nation’s education system.
  3. 5 Calls
    5 Calls is an online tool and app that writes scripts around issues you care about and connects you to the influential decision makers via phone, where you call and read the script provided to you.
  4. AACTE Action Alerts!
    Sign up today to receive alerts from AACTE around policies and legislation impacting educator preparation across the nation and in your state.
  5. The Chronicle of Higher Education DEI Legislation Tracker
    Legislation around diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice efforts are being proposed rapidly all across the nation. Keep track of efforts here.
Want to share what you are doing to advocate for your program, get feedback on your ideas, and learn from others? Participate in this discussion board! (Note that you must join the MTEP OpenCanvas course to participate.)