This month, check out the following resource from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
State Policy and Legislation
Much of the legislation, regulation, and guidance that directly impacts the educator preparation profession is crafted and implemented at the state level. Each state establishes the licensure and certification requirements for teacher and school leaders, and states are required by federal law to hold educator preparation programs accountable. Each state has crafted its own accountability structure for educator preparation as well. Therefore, it is important to follow and engage with the legislative and regulatory actions unfolding in your state. AACTE has compiled resources to assist you.
Advocacy Corner: Each article will feature a few ways you and your programs can advocate for your programs and the profession. With the ever-changing political landscape, it’s important our voices, the voices of the teachers we prepare and the students they impact, are elevated and heard. The ideas presented each month are only suggestions and do not represent an endorsement of one organization, app, or tool over another. Have a favorite way you advocate? Please send additional suggestions for this list to mleadabrand2@unl.edu.