The Epsilon Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska bands are proud to announce the creation of the Tyler Butterfield Memorial Scholarship through the University of Nebraska Foundation.
This scholarship was formed in memory of Tyler Butterfield, a brother, trumpet player, musician, and friend who passed away on October 26, 2018. Tyler was a beloved member of the KKΨ and UNL band family and is missed dearly. This scholarship is meant to honor bandsmen at UNL who embody the same characteristics as Tyler, including demonstrating dedication, loyalty, supportiveness, and encouragement of others in their time at UNL.
The first annual Tyler Butterfield Memorial Scholarship recipient will be named this spring. In order for this scholarship to continue for years to come, we are asking for donations to help honor future students and remember Tyler. Attached below is a donation link that will allow donors to give directly to this fund; 100% of the proceeds will go towards future recipients of this scholarship.
Link: https://fundraise.nufoundation.org/campaign/kappa-kappa-psi-tyler-butterfield-memorial-scholarship-fundraiser/c330032