Collaboration between NCESR and NPPD

Photo of the "The Team" between NCESR and NPPD leadership and staff.
Photo of the "The Team" between NCESR and NPPD leadership and staff.

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR), chartered in 2006, is a collaboration between the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). NPPD provides funding for energy-related research through the NCESR. UNL Office of Research and Innovation provides access to UNL research facilities, NCESR management and administrative resources for support of center operations.

NCESR provides major funding for two-year research projects to UNL faculty through collaboration with NPPD. The NCESR funds enable UNL faculty to conduct innovative research to develop or enhance energy science and technologies and educate undergraduate and graduate students on various energy-related aspects. Faculty are expected to use NCESR’s funding as a seed to pursue major external funding. As part of its support and engagement, NPPD routinely provides letters of support for UNL faculty each year as they bid on federal grants (e.g., Department of Energy, Department of Defense, etc.). NCESR also awards annual summer internships for UNL undergraduates.

The NCESR’s mission is to conduct energy research that produces new technologies, processes and systems that provide new or significantly enhanced renewable energy sources and improves the quality of life and economic opportunity for all Nebraskans.