Join us Saturday, October 12, for the annual Astronomy Education Workshop for teachers, which will be held this year on the UNL City Campus and is hosted by Dr. Kevin Lee. Enjoy a continental breakfast, lunch, parking, and a door-prize raffle! (UNL parking passes will be purchased for all registered participants.) Register now at http://go.unl.edu/astro2019.
Dr. Bob Hilborn, associate executive officer of the American Association of Physics Teachers, and Dr. Kathryn Williamson, teaching assistant professor at the West Virginia University Department of Physics, will be the workshop’s keynote speakers on Oct. 12. Please see the attached AE poster for more infor-mation and the abstracts for the main presentations.
You are also invited to attend Dr. Williamson’s free, public Ruckman Lecture on campus Friday evening. Her talk, “You Can Map the Milky Way,” will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 11, in the Union Auditori-um on UNL’s City Campus (flyer attached).
For teachers who live more than 200 miles away (one way), we have the opportunity this year to help up to four secondary science teachers with funding for travel support. Travel and lodging costs are normally the responsibility of the attendees. Please email Lindsay Augustyn at laugustyn2@unl.edu by Sept. 13 for more information about the opportunity for travel support.