The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) Data Science for Science Teachers Boot Camp is an intensive research training course designed specifically for STEM educators working with students in underserved communities. This boot camp will enable educators to learn data science techniques and facilitate integration of this highly desired, cutting-edge skill set in their coursework. The boot camp is designed for educators teaching high school or post-secondary STEM courses.
Program Details:
This workshop will provide hands-on training for data science tools commonly used by the biomedical research community and will enable participants to:
• Network with and learn from leaders in the data science field.
• Discuss strategies and success stories and form a network of educators across the country.
• Learn about NIH programs that support educational partnerships and STEM programs.
Speakers, course outline, and other information from last year’s boot camp are available here:
While not required, if applicants have datasets from their schools or communities, they are strongly encouraged to bring them to the boot camp.
Application Information:
The boot camp will be held virtually July 12-16, 2021. Please indicate when applying if support for equipment is required. Internet access is necessary.
Applicants should be U.S.-based, STEM educators working with high school or post-secondary students who are considered underserved. This may include students at:
• Rural high schools or community colleges
• Tribal colleges
• Historically Black Colleges and Universities
• Hispanic Serving Institutions
• Minority Institutions
• Other (applicants will be asked to define)
Apply by April 9, 2021. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by May 10.
Contact Information:
For more information, please contact sends e-mail).
Data Science for Science Teachers Boot Camp website: