Public Information and Education grant applications due to NAS

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The Nebraska Academy of Sciences manages a small grant program for the Nebraska Environmental Trust. Public Information and Education (PIE) Grants are grants up to $3,000, awarded quarterly using funds from the Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET). The funds are awarded to projects that stimulate enhanced environmental stewardship in any category eligible for NET funding. These categories are habitat, surface and ground water, waste management, air quality, and soil management. The grant expands dialogue on important current conservation topics and provides information on emerging or highly useful conservation methods. All Nebraska individuals, private organizations, and public entities are eligible to apply for these funds.

The third quarter 2021 PIE Grant applications are due July 12, 2021. You can find the application and more information including application instructions HERE: A list of past recipients will indicate the type of projects that have been successful.

You’re welcome to email your completed application to the new PIE Grant specific email address: We encourage anyone to apply for a grant if you have a project that fits into any one of those categories mentioned above. If you have students or colleagues that might benefit from a PIE Grant, please share this information with them and encourage them to apply!

Michelle Lopez is the new NAS PIE Grant Coordinator and she can answer any grant-related questions at the following email address: