Taking Action! Student Generation of Solutions to Local Environmental Problems
February's theme for the STEM for All Multiplex webinar series explores STEM learning anchored by local, field-based data collection harnessed toward actionable impacts, such as the creation of solutions to local environmental challenges. The theme’s playlist, webinar, and follow-up discussion include dialogue about how local environmental phenomena are selected and what tools can be used for students’ field-based data collection, analyses, and solution generation. Materials will also explore how teachers can support students’ learning opportunities that recognize the cultural and sociotechnical values influencing data collection and that attend to local problems that directly affect students’ lives.
Join the Multiplex on Monday, Feb. 7, at 2 p.m. CST, and be part of the conversation! Dr. Nancy Butler Songer, Professor and Dean of the College of Education at the University of Utah, will moderate this one-hour panel. A 20-minute breakout session will then follow, providing time to share your questions and experiences.
Register here: