Official summer registration at UNL opens March 7. A draft of our Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) schedule is now posted online: https://unlcms.unl.edu/cas/csmce/nmssi-course-catalog-2022.
The mathematics and mathematics pedagogy courses appear first with science courses continuing to be added, so keep checking for updates. Look for more information in the March newsletter.
We are offering around 20 courses designed with K-12 math and science teachers in mind, using either an asynchronous online format ("on demand" style), a synchronous web conferencing format ("live" on Zoom), or in person. If you need a course that you do not see listed on the current schedule, please email us at nebraskamath@unl.edu.
Nebraska K-12 teachers can apply for NMSSI Fellowships to defray tuition costs for NMSSI courses (funds are limited). Tuition costs for summer 2022 will be updated on the "How much does a course cost?" page soon. Thank you for your patience as we transition to a new website and await confirmation of summer costs.
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Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education