NASA: Annular solar eclipse training

NASA has created an annular eclipse training to help you share your excitement about the annular eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023. This training is designed to assist those who are interested in sharing information about the annular eclipse, such as giving a talk, hosting eclipse-related outreach events and watch parties, or leading others as they participate in eclipse-related activities. In the training, you will learn about eclipse science, NASA’s eclipse-related citizen science projects, and public engagement opportunities during the upcoming annular eclipse. It will also provide information and resources for engaging with learners of all ages.

Anyone participating in NASA eclipse-related outreach or serving as a subject matter expert at eclipse events or activities for the October annular eclipse is strongly encouraged to take this training.

Also, if you are planning on holding an event in support of the Annular Eclipse in October 2023, please fill out this survey and tell us a little about it. NASA is creating a listing of all the events across the U.S. to publicize and this information will help NASA, as well as Nebraska Space Grant, get a good idea of events happening in Nebraska.

If you would like an editable PowerPoint (.pptx) version of this presentation, it is available in a Google Drive folder linked below, which also includes resources about using the training that aren’t in this PDF. We encourage you to make your own copy of the folder and its contents. The Google Drive folder contains:
* Instructions with information about the resources in the folder and their intended use.
* An editable slide deck with content on eclipse safety, science, and engagement opportunities. (You are welcome to use the presentation as is, adapt it to your needs, or pick and choose content as needed.) The presentation also includes videos and animations that aren’t visible in this PDF.
* A Google doc with compiled links to additional resources.
* A Google doc with sample questions to solicit feedback from your participants.
* A Google doc with a link to an eclipse question bank that will help you evaluate your eclipse lessons, and help NASA improve their educational resources.

The link below also includes an optional survey, which Oregon State University, in partnership with the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT), will use to understand the impact of this training and help guide future development of education and training materials.

To access the Google Drive folder of Annular Eclipse Training Resources and to take the survey, click the following link: