Please join us for a day-long STEM Education Research Retreat on Monday, Oct. 19, in Avery Hall on the UNL City Campus. This retreat is intended for all faculty, staff, postdoctoral research assistants, and students (graduate and undergraduate) who are conducting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education (STEM) Research on the UNL campus.
The goals of this retreat are to:
• provide an avenue for the STEM Education Research community to learn about one another’s projects;
• provide opportunities to develop research collaborations between STEM Education Research faculty and their students; and
• provide opportunities to connect STEM education researchers with local research support groups/organizations.
Come and share your research projects at the poster gallery walk, learn about research supports available to UNL faculty, and develop your research network!
The deadline to register to attend or present a poster is Friday, Oct. 2.
For more information about the retreat and to register, visit http://scimath.unl.edu/stem-ed-retreat/2015/.
Feel free to distribute to UNL STEM education researchers that are not part of this email distribution.
Email questions to Marilyne Stains (mstains2@unl.edu).
The Planning Committee
• Marilyne Stains, chair, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
• Lindsay Augustyn, Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education
• Heather Bergan, School of Natural Resources
• Cory Forbes, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
• Tiffany Heng-Moss, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
• Yvonne Lai, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
• Jon Pederson, College of Education and Human Sciences
• Wendy Smith, Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education