Are you interested in discussing STEM teacher preparation? Please join us for the NSF Robert Noyce Program Regional Dialogue on Stimulating Research and Innovation for Preservice Education of STEM Teachers in High-Need Schools on Sunday, May 21, and Monday, May 22, 2017. Events on Sunday can include topics for in-service teachers, if enough teachers are interested in attending (since teachers probably will not be able to miss school on Monday).
Hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and South Dakota State University, this regional workshop will be held at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln, Nebraska, and will focus on developing a research agenda for preparing math and science teachers.
The workshop will cover one night of lodging (includes breakfast; second-night stay is an option), mileage reimbursement (rules apply) or flight up to $500, parking at the hotel, and a working lunch on Monday. Other meals and miscellaneous travel costs are not covered.
The primary audience for these discussions is: Midwest Noyce project faculty; Noyce teachers; faculty from colleges and universities that prepare teachers; district administrators; and key leaders at state education agencies.
The 2017 Noyce Regional Dialogue will begin around 3 p.m. on Sunday and end at 4 p.m. on Monday. Working groups will convene around these key questions:
• What should be the main goals of evidence-based STEM teacher education and leadership development programs, and how do these goals translate into desired outcomes?
• How do we design a curriculum to achieve these goals, and what is the best way to deliver that curriculum?
• How do we best prepare our faculty and structure our departments and institutions to achieve these goals?
• How do our collective goals for preservice STEM teacher preparation fit into and inform local, state, regional and national educational policies?
Plenary speakers confirmed thus far are Dr. Gary Martin and Dr. Marilyn Strutchens of Auburn University.
Registration for the Noyce Regional Dialogue is now open at http://go.unl.edu/scimathapply and will close on May 15 or when funding capacity is reached. This workshop was made possible by the NSF and AAAS.
Website: http://scimath.unl.edu/noyce/conferences/workshops/
The Midwest Region for this workshop includes the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
Questions? Contact Lindsay Augustyn at laugustyn2@unl.edu.
Wendy Smith, Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sharon Vestal, Ph.D., South Dakota State University
Lindsay Augustyn, M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln