The State of the States Landscape Report: State-Level Policies Supporting Equitable K-12 Computer Science Education was recently released. This report surveys state-level efforts to improve access to K-12 computer science education opportunities in the United States. The report examines progress towards 10 policy priorities widely seen as central to broadening participation in K-12 computer science education and offers recommendations for advocates and policymakers on improving alignment of state-level efforts. Emerging best practices in scaling up computer science education opportunities are also addressed.
This report summarizes states’ progress in developing state-level policies that support equitable K–12 CS education for today’s students, with two main goals in mind:
> To provide a resource for states to use in reflecting on their own progress toward realization of K–12 CS education for all
> To help states identify other states as possible resources
To this end, the report does the following:
> Summarizes, across all states, current progress toward establishing policy priorities for the advancement of equitable K–12 CS education
> Identifies some best practices that states have developed to build momentum toward expanding CS education and implementing policies
> Identifies issues that states are facing in their policy development and implementation efforts
> Shares approaches that states have found to be useful in addressing some of these issues, with the hope that they will be relevant and useful to other states as they continue to develop their own plans
Click here to access the report: http://www.ecs.org/ec-content/uploads/MassScan-Full-Report-v10.pdf