Are you ready for Manufacturing 4.0? The Nebraska Chamber and CED Industrial Solutions Network are bringing experts, equipment and tech suppliers and manufacturers to Nebraska May 11 at Central Community College in Columbus. Plot your operations course and learn more about the new industrial revol Continue reading…
Everyday, manufacturers are faced with challenges such as material and personnel shortages, short deadlines, rising costs, personnel difficulties and much more. Being able to rely on proven techniques and tools to aid in making sound decisions and solving problems is key. The Nebraska MEP is Continue reading…
One of the most effective ways for a company to improve their productivity and profitability is to set a vision and strategy and then execute on it. The Nebraska MEP has a suite of service offerings designed to assist manufacturers in discovering and developing their own strategies. Continue reading…
Tasty Toppings, Inc, makers of Dorothy Lynch dressing attended a FSPCA (Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance) Human Food Course which was brought to their attention by the Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and the UNL Food Processing Center.