The Nebraska Writing Project advisory board invites you to relax and reconnect with other NeWPers across the state. Throughout the 2023-24 school year, we will be hosting several low-key and fun events designed to bring together NeWP teachers–past, present, and future–to unwind, chat, and sip a coffee or cocktail. The events take place in a variety of locations and times, so we hope to see you at any that fit your schedule.
These events require no preparation or work on your part, and you should feel encouraged to bring along any teachers you think might also enjoy them! Below, you will find a list and brief description of this year’s events. If you follow the link attached to this story, you will also find a BINGO-style card for you to print. Should you attend any of these events, you can get that square stamped by its host or NeWP program leader. Earn a BINGO and get some NeWP swag at the Spring Gathering!
Springfield, Sep. 16, 3-5 p.m.
Come enjoy samples of Nebraska wines during this fun event! Our group will plan to meet near the main entrance. Please contact Kari Bulgrin (kbulgrin@gpsne.org) with any questions.
Kearney, Oct. 1, 1-3 p.m.
This cozy Kearney coffee shop offers a great atmosphere for rejuvenating conversation to help beat those Sunday blues. Please contact Melissa Legate (melissa.schindler13@gmail.com) with any questions.
NeWP TABLE @ DURHAM TEACHER'S NIGHT, Omaha, Oct. 6, 4-7 p.m.
Each year, the Durham Museum hosts Teachers’ Night, an appreciation event and resource fair for teachers. Pre-registration for this event is encouraged and can be done on the Durham Museum website. Get your teacher friends together and head to Durham to grab some swag, enjoy food and drinks, and stop by NeWP’s information booth to say hello to some of our friendly board members!
Norfolk, Nov. 11, 3-5 p.m
Head to Northeast Nebraska to meet up with fellow NeWP teachers for conversation and, if you’d like, craft brews! Please contact Melissa Legate (melissa.schindler13@gmail.com) with any questions.
NEWP SESSION/BOOTH @ NETA Spring Conference, Omaha, March 14-15
This two-day conference is an excellent opportunity to get some professional development in the tech area! NeWP teachers will be presenting at least two breakout sessions during the conference that are writing-focused. This conference brings together hundreds of Nebraska educators, and if you plan to be one of them this year, stop by NeWP’s information booth (feel encouraged to bring a teacher friend with you) and say hi to board member Melissa Legate.
Apr. 13, 4-6 p.m.
No need to leave home for this virtual gathering! Bring your favorite beverage to your very own couch and connect via Zoom with other NeWP teachers. Please RSVP for this event to Jen Stastny (jenstastny2029@gmail.com) so that you can receive the link.
This annual event brings NeWP teachers together (over food and drink, of course) to celebrate NeWP’s work and honor its award winners each May. Watch your email this spring for details about the date, time, and specific location on UNL’s campus. Also, if you attend this event and have gotten a BINGO on your card, you’ll be entitled to some NeWP swag!