Applications for the Nebraska Youth Poet Laureate program are now open! They will close on February 29, 2024 at 11:59 PM C/T.
Application instructions have been translated from English into Arabic, Spanish, French, Karen, Vietnamese, and ASL. If you're connected with multilingual writers and/or English Language Learners/Educators, please encourage their applications!
The Nebraska Writers Collective is hoping to source applications from all across Nebraska, and are especially excited for applications from systemically excluded teen artists and invite femme, multilingual, LGBTQIA2S+, disabled, BIPOC, immigrant and refugee writers and more to apply.
Applicants must be residents of Nebraska, ages 13-19.
Please have your organizations follow @newriters on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This is where the Nebraska Writers Collective will be posting updates on the program. Reshare that content as stories, posts, in your newsletters/blogs, high school and college classrooms, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact Gina Tranisi or Zedeka Poindexter at director@newriters.org. You can also contact them via phone:
Gina: 402-650-5524
Zedeka: 531-800-3296
More details at: https://www.newriters.org/ypl