Come See NeWP Presentations at NETA

The Nebraska Educational Technology Association logo.
The Nebraska Educational Technology Association logo.

Katlyn Powers and Rachel Jank from the Nebraska Writing Project will be presenting at the NETA conference this year on March 14 and 15.

Katlyn Powers' presentation, "Let's Play: Incorporating Board Games in the Writing Classroom" will be on Thursday, March 14 at 10:15 AM in Room 209.

The presentation's description:
After presenting contemporary research about the myriad benefits of board gaming in an educational context, I will teach participants to play both physical and digital board games that have writing-based game mechanics. A discussion will follow about how board gaming enables students to collaborate and problem-solve, can be adapted for varying needs and instructional goals, reinvigorates reluctant and unmotivated learners, and can be affordably introduced in the classroom.

Rachel Jank's presentation, "Unlock Learning Potential with 'Wise' Feedback" will also be on Thursday, March 14, starting at 11:15 AM in room 209.

The presentation's description:
We all know what bad feedback sounds like - it pierces the ears and stops us in our tracks. In the classroom, bad feedback can throw off class culture and disrupt learning. As teachers, we have the power to unleash learning potential by using what Geoffrey Cohen calls “wise criticism”. In this session, teachers will use the principles of backwards design and explore tech feedback tools to discover classroom feedback opportunities and learn practices to benefit themselves and their students.

We're very excited and are looking forward to learning more from Katlyn and Rachel! For more information, including how to register for the conference, please visit the Nebraska Educational Technology Association's website using the supporting link.

More details at: